Friday, August 1, 2014


All of this feminism/ anti-feminism stuff is breakin' mah balls, man.
Hello, my name is Mallerie, and I am, what I have come to believe, a feminist.
You know what makes me a feminist? The fact that I am independent, educated, mindful, and respectful toward others. I am not waiting for someone else to come along and support me. I have my own goals and aspirations. I think for myself. I strive to be an exceptional representative of my sex because I can't stand the weak, needy female stereotype; therefore I refuse to be that stereotype. I am not taking for granted the rights I have because strong, amazing women in the past fought for those rights, and women in many countries still do not have those rights. Therefore I work, go to school, educate myself, vote,  and voice my opinion when appropriate.
Yes, I admit I have felt the pressure of society's beauty standards. Most people have. I acknowledge the fact that I am not perfect- but you know what? The older I get, the less I give a shit about that kind of stuff. You have to love your body. You just have to. If you're trying to impress someone who doesn't like the way your body looks, then they can fuck off. Seriously. Love your body, take care of it, treat it right, and find someone else who loves it too.
While we're here, let's talk about body hair. You don't need to grow out your armpit hair in order to be a feminist, but you can if you want to. It's your body, do what you want! On that note, I do feel that it's pretty strange that women are expected to be hairless from the nose down, and yet no one bats an eye at a dude with a hairy gorilla ass. What is up America.
Also, I've been told that you can't be a true feminist if you call other females things like "bitch" and "slut". I don't get this, because if my best friend is being a bitch or a slut, you're damn right I'm going to call her out on it.
/end rant.

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